Dues Schedule
Attorneys (Licensed for 2+ years): $20 Annually
Judges: $20 Annually
Attorneys (Licensed for less than 2 years): Waived
Law Students: Waived
Attorneys & Judges
For immediate enrollment, please log onto your My Bar Page at texasbar.com and click "Join Sections."
To enroll in this Section by check payment, please complete this form and mail it to the State Bar of Texas Membership Department, with a check made payable to State Bar of Texas.
Law Students
Please complete this form and email it to memmail@texasbar.com.
Please send membership forms to:
State Bar of Texas
Membership Department
P.O. Box 12487
Austin, Texas 78711-2487
Phone: (512) 427-1383
Fax: (512) 427- 4424
Email: memmail@texasbar.com
Now Accepting Applications for
2025 Council Members!
The Child Protection Law Section is looking for interested applicants who would like to serve on the section’s Council beginning June 1, 2025. The open positions are three at-large council positions to each serve a three-year term. Council members must be members of the section in good standing.
If you would like to apply for a position on the CPLS Council, please fill out the application form below. If you would like to nominate a member for a CPLS Council position, please email the name, phone number, and email address of your nominee to the Chair of the Child Protection Law Section, Judge Bill Harris. Nominations and applications must be submitted no later than January 10, 2025.